
Annual HVAC Maintenance Checklists For Fall & Spring

Posted on September 16, 2022
By John's Home Comfort
Your HVAC system keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. However, without proper maintenance, your system can’t operate at peak performance. As a result, your system works harder, which uses more energy and also puts undue strain on all the working parts. Here...

When should I replace my HVAC System?

Posted on August 31, 2021
By John's Home Comfort
If you are considering a major repair on your HVAC system or simply wonder whether it is time to replace or not, here is some helpful information to consider. How old are your heating and cooling systems? ……. more than 10 years old, it would be better to...

What are HVAC UV Lights?

Posted on July 5, 2021
By John's Home Comfort
UV light is an environmentally friendly product and is an effective way to improve indoor air quality. The disinfectant bulb is quite effective at getting rid of mold and bacteria growth within the heating & cooling units and removes unprocessed particles from the HVAC that causes odors and...
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