Water Heaters

Have you noticed a film on your bathtub or shower, you most likely have hard water.

When hard water is heated, it causes the particles to suspend in the water. They attract to each other causing them to stick together. When these particles stick together, they become heavier than water and can cause problems with your plumbing. To combat this problem a tankless water heater is usually installed with flush valves, which allow vinegar to be pushed through the system dissolving the build-up and returning the tankless to its original efficiency level. Maintenance should be considered more frequently, perhaps every six to nine months.

Doing so will help to prevent the potential problems that sediment can bring over time.

Need help with your water heater?!

JHC offers a wide range of tankless services for both residential and commercial applications. New installations, regular maintenance, and even tankless repairs-we can do it all.

Call Us Today! #416.881.5425

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